0.9.0: - Add String list configs, some config related changes and renamed one interface - Add a feedback-sensitive version of GuiTextInput - Add a new util method to Color4f to clone a color with different alpha - Add a few render util methods (moved from Litematica) - Add some new util methods (some moved from Tweakeroo) - Refactor some of the config interfaces and stuff a little bit - Further fix/improvement to keybind handling, related to the recent fix - Change the drawOutline() util method argument handling - Some render method fixes/clean-up - Support line breaks in the Gui messages - Fix the key re-check logic breaking things with simultaneous key releases - Tiny refactor to KeybindMulti. Add a util method to get the storage string. - RenderUtils and inventory overlay util methods refactoring - Mark the file browser icon provider return value as Nullable - Fix ButtonGeneric hover strings not getting split from '\n' - Remove ButtonIcon and ButtonHoverText. ButtonGeneric now has those functions. 0.8.5: - Fix the inventory background rendering for small inventories (Beacon) - Close the read JSON files - Don't allow crafting, armor or offhand slots in findSlotWithItem() - Remove the color() call from the GUI background drawing (allows callers to set the color) 0.8.4: - Fix one of the Shulker Box utility methods (used by Tweakeroo) 0.8.3: - Don't use the title hierarchy in the text input dialog - Fix button hover texts breaking Gui messages rendering (and maybe other stuff too) - Add/change a couple of inventory GUI and shulker box util methods 0.8.2: - Add a config option to completely ignore some keys (if they tend to get stuck) - Add some more inventory util methods (moved from Tweakeroo and Litematica) 0.8.1: - Update Reference class in build.gradle - Improve the inventory overlay rendering - Fix config defaults/reset stuff being broken in the ConfigTypeWrapper 0.8.0: - Add a util method to swap items to the player's hand - Add a util method to print a boolean toggle message - Add a ConfigGuiBase class for showing configs in custom in-game GUIs - Add a CheckBox widget and a Label widget - Add advanced keybind settings and refactor lots of keybind and GUI things - Add game overlay post and world last rendering hooks - Add a text lines rendering method (moved from MiniHUD/Litematica) - Add some inventory util methods (moved from Tweakeroo) - Add an onMouseMoved method to the IMouseInputHandler interface - Fix ConfigColor not overriding the isModified(String) method - Move a whole bunch of GUI code from Litematica - More configs related changes and clean-up - Remove a duplicate copy of the ButtonWrapper class. Add a ButtonIcon class.