****************** ****** TODO ****** ****************** - Environmental Creepers: Add blockstate whitelist and blacklist for explosions - World Utils: Change chunk loader code so that it handles DIM directories inside the alternate worlds correctly - World Utils: Fix/optimize JourneyMap polygon creation/storage - World Utils: Add loaded chunk overlay to JourneyMap - World Utils: Add a locate-block command, with separate variants for loaded and unloaded chunks - World Utils: Add a locate-tileentity command, with separate variants for loaded and unloaded chunks - World Utils: Add a locate-entity command, with separate variants for loaded and unloaded chunks - World Utils: Add command variants for blockreplace commands to only operate inside given chunk or block coordinate ranges - World Utils: Add a chance/percentage for doing the block replacements - World Utils: Add a new blockreplace variant that can replace with different blocks based on weights - World Utils: Make the loaded chunk blockreplace use chunk.getBlockState() for a considerable speed boost - World Utils: Add a region file re-allocator/"defragger" that re-creates the region file and allocates space for chunks based on their current size - World Utils: Add a fill command for unloaded chunks - World Utils: Add an entity command to remove entities by type (all, and from a given volume/area) - World Utils: Add an entity command to fix the Entity#dimension field - World Utils: Add an entity command to move entities to different chunks, with auto-fixing of Shulker, EntityHangable etc data - World Utils: Add an entities command variant to print a summary of all the (tile-)entities by type - World Utils: Add Copy/Paste Chunks and Move Chunks modes to the Chunk Wand. Also as commands? - World Utils: Add Save Chunk and Delete Chunk modes - World Utils: Add chunk commands for manipulating chunks - World Utils: Add a light re-calculation command. Also add an option to do that in the blockreplace commands at the same time. - World Utils: Add re-generating a chunk - World Utils: Add re-generating a chunk using the existing biomes, or from a manually selected biome - World Utils: Add a clearblocks command, with presets desert, nether, and terrain, and range and cuboid coordinate modes - World Utils: Add a block stats/count command, to count all existing blocks in the world - World Utils: Add an area prune command - World Utils: Add a command to set the biome in selected chunks or a selected arbitrary area - World Utils: Add a 'prepare-for-commands' command that finds an unused region, and does the gamemode, teleport, setworldspawn etc commands and prints out which region to remove after - World Utils: Add a 'cleanup-after-commands' command that teleports the user back where they were originally, restores the spawn, unloads the temp area and removes the temp region - World Utils: Add selectively running the commands for certain region files or chunks (or arbitrary regions?) - World Utils: Add chunk save/backup and restore commands. Restoring based on a list of available saved versions for a given chunk. - World Utils: Add a job queue. At least two command variants to run them: 'strict' and 'lax', strict aborts on any errors (tasks should return true/false for success/failure). - World Utils: Add a "full ID conversion" command, that takes another level.dat for the "from" ID-set - World Utils: Add an execution variant to the blockreplace things that takes a path to a region directory, instead of operating on the world/dimension - World Utils: Add a command to move logged-out players to other dimensions - Builder's Wand: Circle mode - Builder's Wand: Quick Swap mode - swaps the targeted block to the one held in the other hand - Builder's Wand: Add a separate 3D Area mode to the Replace mode - Builder's Wand: Swap areas mode (sort of similar to Move mode in many ways) - Builder's Wand: Change the block bounding box rendering to use thinner lines between adjacent blocks? - Builder's Wand: Add template export and import. Local/web, current & all templates. Requires a wand in hand. - Builder's Wand: Add a command to export and also to set the UUID of the wand held in hand - Builder's Wand: Add a Command Wheel menu to select the mode and template/block index - Builder's Wand: Placing a helper block in "instant-build modes" will also build the area. Canceling doesn't work. - Builder's Wand: Divide the creative mode operations into smaller chunks if the area is very large - Builder's Wand: Add config options for maximum area sizes - Builder's Wand: Limit the area size to the maximum allowed when setting/adjusting the positions - Builder's Wand: Sphere mode - Builder's Wand: Add block removal to the Replace and especially Replace 3D modes - Builder's Wand: Add a Cut mode, that can be used in survival to move areas via the templates - Builder's Wand: Add an Undo mode - Builder's Wand: Also store TileEntity data in the bound blocks, use it in creative mode - Builder's Wand: Also copy adjacent blocks' TileEntity data - Builder's Wand: Template modes (Paste/Move) ghost block rendering - Builder's Wand: Add options to ignore None/Air/StructureVoid in both the Copy and Paste modes respectively - Builder's Wand: Add a config gui as an alternative to the multiple keybind combinations - Builder's Wand: Chisels & Bits compatibility: Allow making the necessary items on-the-fly from resources/bits https://github.com/AlgorithmX2/Chisels-and-Bits/issues/205 https://github.com/AlgorithmX2/Chisels-and-Bits/commit/777279a8140e964cf9ff4af93aad8762954d9893 - Builder's Wand: Add C&B cw-status to the template meta, display it in the Paste mode on the HUD - Builder's Wand: Don't render white bounds if pos1 and pos2 are same or adjacent. Render purple box if they are the same. - Builder's Wand: Combine Walls mode into Cube mode as a "solid" option? - Builder's Wand: Stack mode: add a toggle option to use a saved template instead of the current selection - Builder's Wand: Stack mode: Rename to Repeat mode or something more intuitive - Builder's Wand: Pillarizer mode: Change size while just sneak + scrolling, ray trace to target location and build on right click - Builder's Wand: Save pending block updates to template and restore them in the template modes, if enabled (add a toggle option) - Builder's Wand: Add area size to the HUD - Builder's Wand: Add ray-traced clicks on air to set the positions - Builder's Wand: Add scroll adjusting the first position too - Builder's Wand: Chisels & Bits: Allow reading TE data => Add a white-list for blocks that are allowed to read TE data in survival - Builder's Wand: Add a chat message about missing blocks after building (something like 'Placed 12, skipped 23, missing 123 blocks') - Builder's Wand: Add rendering of the selected block type to the HUD - Builder's Wand: Allow placing blocks replacing fluids - Builder's Wand: Optimize rendering - use VBOs, build block BBs as long strips instead of individual cubes - Builder's Wand: Add a blacklist of blocks (to the Move mode at least) in survival -> add Mob Spawner by default - Builder's Wand: Add per-mode usage tooltips/keybinds combos to the tooltip - Builder's Wand: Add getActualState() cloning/storing support, at least for PropertyDirection type properties - Builder's Wand: C&B support: https://github.com/MightyPirates/Architect/commit/15ed9dc542105b2f6d66d65c7a652ee38f84f2c8 - Builder's Wand: Update the right click event cancellation stuff for helper block - Builder's Wand: Ray traced area is not rendered if sneaking in Paste mode (maybe others too) - Builder's Wand: Add a Off-hand target block type/source - Builder's Wand: Add an option to use global/shared selection points in addition to the per-mode selections - Builder's Wand: Add raytraced middle-clicking to set block type (instead of sneak + left click), shift for secondary (replace mode). - Template: Take a look at the template palette stuff, support reading a vanilla template palette! - Template: Change air and Structure Void handling to match vanilla - Template: Check that the positions are within world bounds - Template: Add an ignore-block-type capability - Builder's Wand/Template: Move from per-wand templates to a global per-player system - Builder's Wand/Template: Add "Working set" and "Archived" categories/directories, and a GUI to manage the templates INVALID - Item Scroller: Change the crafting scrolling mode to (also?) work when clicking on the crafting output slot, to try and improve usability MEH - Item Scroller: Add a special case to allow scrolling blaze powder to the brewing stand fuel slot WORKS - Item Scroller: Ctrl + Shift + Q does not drop all Milk Buckets and Records (by 0n-s)? FIXED - Item Scroller: breaks the recipe book shift clicking? FIXED - Item Scroller: should cancel scrolling, at least in creative inventory (now it picks up items to the cursor) - EnU + Item Scroller: Add IMC slot blacklisting, blacklist JSU slots - Item Scroller: Change the recipe view to check for key down instead of using the toggle events, try prevent stuck keys - Item Scroller: Add/finish the W/S + scrolling stuff - Item Scroller: Craft-all is broken in 1.12? - Item Scroller: Add clientSideOnly=true to @Mod - Item Scroller: Add something to not accidentally overwrite existing recipes if there are free slots? - Item Scroller: Some bug with not filling up all stacks in the drag modes still... - Item Scroller: Add customizable hotkeys to move sets of items to or from the other inventory - Item Scroller: https://github.com/YaLTeR/MouseTweaks/pull/5/files - Item Scroller: In inventoryExistsAbove(), whould check for a valid destination slot too and not just a generic "something is above" - Item Scroller: Add "item groups" - actions on one item of a group also affects all others in the group (Zinkia DM on Discord) - Item Scroller: Add a "drop filter" that elaves a configurable amount of items and drops everything else - create an inventory snapshot as the filter? - Placement: Improve/fix the fake usage: PlayerControllerMP#processRightClickBlock() & NetHandlerPlayServer#processTryUseItemOnBlock() - Placement: Try to fix the dimension registration stuff - World Primer: Add FML server event commands - World Primer: Add a command to load dimensions - World Primer: Rewrite the command substitution code, to use pre-parsed data structures/"command compositions" - World Primer: Add variables, and arithmetic with them. The variables should get saved to disk (or have a version that does). Example: create a separate dim with JED for every new player. - World Primer: Add support for per-player variables (can store for example a per-player randomized spawn location) - World Primer: Add support for seeded random generator/values - World Primer: Add support for a randomized position around a given start location (from a variable for example) - World Primer: Add support for delayed commands - gets executed after the specified delay from when first issued - World Primer: Add chunk population commands - World Primer: Add a substitution for selecting a random string from the given strings (two variants, one with weights?) - World Primer: Add chance commands, ie. ran with a given probability - TellMe: Add a 'locate-nearby' command that searches for blocks that are near other blocks (for example water near lava) - TellMe: Add an example of 'locate block' on the CF page as: '/tellme locate block print all-loaded-chunks ic2:te[type=chunk_loader] chickenchunks:chunk_loader extrautils2:chunkloader' - Flooded: Add a config option for eternal rain in specified dimensions - Flooded: Add a config option for water level rise amount per rise - Flooded: Add config options for water level declining (water evaporates in sunlight at day time) - Flooded: Add block updates - Flooded: Add water layer spilling over edges and filling up on the bottom - Flooded: Use a better chunk generation/loading fill algorithm, similar to the normal spreading - Flooded: Can the boats be fixed by using vanilla LEVEL property value 0? https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeCommon/blob/bleeding/src/main/resources/mixins.common.optimization.json#L5 https://github.com/SpongePowered/SpongeCommon/blob/bleeding/src/main/java/org/spongepowered/common/mixin/plugin/OptimizationPlugin.java#L53 DONE - Litematica: Support loading multiple schematics at once DONE - Litematica: Remember loaded schematics/positions per-world DONE - Litematica: Support saving multiple separate regions in one schematic (for example grid of contraptions) DONE - Litematica: Add a "Create Directory" button to the save schematic GUI DONE - Litematica: Add saving loaded (in-memory) schematics to files DONE - Litematica: Implement saving areas to in-memory schematics DONE - Litematica: Add a cuboid selection mode that encompasses all points clicked on DONE - Litematica: Add side quads to selections areas and placement areas (togglable via the Visuals GUI) DONE - Litematica: Add schematic name vs. file name and "in-memory" indicator display to the loaded schematics list DONE - Litematica: Implement loading Schematica schematics to memory as Litematica schematics DONE - Litematica: Implement converting Schematica schematics to Litematica schematic files DONE - Litematica: Add options to check for missing or misplaced or mismatched blocks, output the locations somehow DONE - Litematica: Support verification of very large schematics in pieces or while chunks are loading, ie. track the state per-chunk DONE - Litematica: The schematic verification should be able to ignore errors by type: block mismatch, state mismatch, missing block, extra block, etc. DONE - Litematica: Write/load scheduled tile ticks to/from the schematic DONE - Litematica: Add an in-memory vs. file icon for placements as well DONE - Litematica: Show the schematic name for placements DONE - Litematica: Update the schematic world only based on the affected volumes, according to pre and post state of the boxes of loaded schematics OLD - Litematica: Create a total area AABB in AreaSelection, update it when reading from JSON, when creating or removing boxes, or ending grab mode, or after nudging OLD - Litematica: Use the total AABB for caching world stuff when Chunks with selections unload (by player movement only, not on dim change or logout) FIXED - Litematica: The verification reCheckQueue loop doesn't check for the position to be loaded DONE - Litematica: Allow renaming Schematic Placements DONE - Litematica: Add the sub-region list with Configure buttons etc. to the Placement configuration GUI DONE - Litematica: Add an indicator to the sub-regions list for which sub-regions have been modified MEH - Litematica: Add a reset placement button to the main placement config GUI DONE - Litematica: Redo the area selection manager using widgets DONE - Litematica: Allow clearing the selected area, ie. selecting no areas DONE - Litematica: Generate the preview image as resampled (better looking) FIXED - Litematica: If the main placement sis rotated +/- 90 degrees, then sub-region blockstate mirroring is broken FIXED - Litematica: Position transforms are still messed up in some cases... (Mesa Quarry placement on SciCraft says OUT OF BOUNDS) FIXED - Litematica: Sub-region positioning using the tool is funky if the entire placement has been rotated/changed too... FIXED? - Litematica: There is something funky going on with the schematic handling when loading a world? Sometimes extra placements remain in the map. DONE - Litematica: Add "tool" config, and also alternative key combos instead of the tool item FIXED - Litematica: Look into why TileEntities aren't loading properly FIXED - Litematica: Fix DataManager clearing data, on a crashed load(?) FIXED - Litematica: Fix schematics not rendering right after loading DONE - Litematica: When creating new area selections, open the naming dialog instead of creating with a default name "New Selection #" DONE - Litematica: When adding selection boxes, set the name to the name of the area by default, with ", Box 1" suffix DONE - Litematica: When creating the first box for a new area selection, select the origin point by default, and offset the first point by 1 block so they don't overlap DONE - Litematica: When creating directories via the browsers, change to that new directory immediately DONE - Litematica: Remove the separate schematic metadata nonsense from the browser GUIs - it's likely not noticeable ever, and just adds confusion to the files DONE - Litematica: Change the Schematic Verifier so that it's also possible to show only the selected mismatch pair that was clicked on, title shows entire group/type FIXED - Litematica: Schematic Verifier does not get properly reset/cleared when relogging DONE - Litematica: Have options to show layers: All, Single Layer, All below, All above, Layer Range DONE - Litematica: Add a Block Info overlay that shows either the verifier mismatch info, the targeted non-verifier mismatch info, or just the targeted schematic block info DONE - Litematica: Add an Inventory Preview hotkey (like in Tweakeroo, but for the schematic world inventories) > Show the expected model as an overlay when active? DONE - Litematica: Add a WAILA-like tooltip for any blocks (both schematic world and client world) DONE - Litematica: Add a schematic pick block hotkey DONE - Litematica: Add a flag to the schematic placement method to schedule block updates from the schematic DONE - Litematica: GUI tooltips: > Hold shift when adding a placement to disable it by default > Hold shift when saving a schematic to override an existing file DONE - Litematica: Add the count of correctly based blocks (on a separate tab) to the Verifier FIXED - Litematica: Fix entities not getting rotated with placement rotations DONE - Litematica: Add a "Visuals" config GUI - add the layer mode and layer range input fields there FIXED - Litematica: Fix placements sometimes carrying over to different worlds DONE - Litematica: Add an option (or hold shift?) to auto-create a placement and select it when loading a schematic DONE - Litematica: Add an option to ignore entities when creating a schematic FIXED - Litematica: Entity rendering does not respect the layer range DONE - Litematica: Add an option to always change the corner selection to the one last moved by the (mouse) hotkeys DONE - Litematica: Add separate options for the different missing/mismatched blocks types for the overlay DONE - Litematica: Add a hotkey to toggle on/off the info overlay/key DONE - Litematica: Support automatic pick block + place block combo? DONE - Litematica: Add the selected sub-region box's dimensions to the HUD DONE - Litematica: Add a hotkey to redraw the schematics, instead of having to hit F3 + A FIXED (malilib) - Litematica: Area Selection creation text input GUI has the wrong title FIXED (malilib)- Litematica: Hovering over buttons in the schematic browser breaks the GuiMessage rendering DONE - Litematica: Add a modifier hotkey to move the entire selection when moving/nudging the origin DONE - Litematica: When renaming an Area Selection, if it only has one sub-region by the same name, also rename that sub-region DONE - Litematica: Make sure the directories (schematics, area-selections, etc.) are created when needed, and missing dirs won't crash anything DONE - Litematica: Add a separate schematic placement method for placing stuff directly into chunks without any updates DONE - Litematica: Add piston extensions to the material list overrides DONE - Litematica: Add an (optional) rendered box around the entire schematic DONE - Litematica: Finish the placement configuration GUIs (coordinate field buttons, material list button) DONE - Litematica: Add the enclosing box button to the placement configuration GUI DONE - Litematica: Add an option to ignore entities in the placement/sub-regions DONE - Litematica: Remove the JSON icons from the area selection browser DONE - Litematica: Add a new pick-block variant (or modifier key) for creative mode to get the tile NBT DONE - Litematica: Only pick-block to blocks that are currently visible/rendered DONE - Litematica: Add an option to prevent placing wrong blocks (in the wrong positions) -> only allow placing schematic block in the correct positions DONE - Litematica: Add an option for automatic block orientation when placing DONE - Litematica: Improve the info overlay rendering - always show both inventory contents DONE - Litematica: Move some of the DataManager global values to be per-dimension DONE - Litematica: Add Material List option to use the current Render Layer DONE - Litematica: Add Schematic Verifier option to use the current Render Layer DONE - Litematica: Change the LayerRange range nudging to affect the closest bound (or add a GUI option to select which bound(s) to nudge with the hotkey?) DONE - Litematica: Add a hotkey for "set here" in Render Layers DONE - Litematica: Make the placement Lock also prevent removing the placement, unless Shift is held while clicking the button DONE - Litematica: Add a function to create an area selection from a placement MEH - Litematica: Try if starting with a 4-bit palette would produce smaller schematic files DONE - Litematica: Add a Material list feature/GUI - Show the counts also in the number of stacks and Shulker Boxes. Sortable by name or count types. - Litematica: Fix the RenderChunk render range - the touched sub-chunks has no range limit, so the RenderChunks will wrap around - Litematica: Fix/change/improve the RenderChunk handling and ordering, prevent multiple rebuilds? - Litematica: Add a config for the alignment of the Block Info overlay - Litematica: Try to extend/override some more classes to try to fix the Optifine compatibility issue - Litematica: Verifier hover info blockstate properties don't expand the column widths - Litematica: Add nicer clickable headers to the Material List and Schematic Verifier, with sort order indication icons/arrows - Litematica: Change the tool mode stuff to only affect the tool. Add hotkeys to do any area or placement actions directly and don't consider the tool mode. - Litematica: The Verifier Overlay prevents the Block Info overlay and easy place mode from working due to the ray trace return value - Litematica: Add a GUI for managing Info HUD stuff - allow selecting the active info provider(s) - Litematica: Add a system for managing block or block state substitutions, usable for the verifier, material list and rendering. Might need different systems for some? - Litematica: Maybe redo the bounding box color array... some are not properly visible - Litematica: Properly clear all loaded/cached data when closing a world - Litematica: Count inventory contents for the Material List, but keep them in a separate list - Litematica: Add a hotkey to cycle the selected corner or the origin of the current selection - Litematica: Add a GUI for creating/managing area selection sub-boxes, with coordinate inputs and a "Set here" button - Litematica: Add an "actions" GUI to the area configuration GUI (or somewhere), where you can save a schematic, or use the fill/replace etc. features from - Litematica: Periodically save dirty/modified area selections - Litematica: Add "All ON/OFF" buttons to toggle placement sub-sections and placements - Litematica: Also consider entities in the ray traces, and for the inventory preview - Litematica: Implement the missing/planned tool modes - Litematica: Implement the Carpet protocol in single player - Litematica: When loading placements with missing schematics, disable the placement and ask the player for a new schematic when they try to enable it - Litematica: Allow freely selecting state pairs from the Schematic Verifier list for rendering/HUD - Litematica: Add separate VBOs for "render through" overlays - Or separate all the overlay types, to be able to render them in either mode? - Litematica: Add a guide/cheat sheet menu, with selectable tips? - Litematica: Add a way to select arbitrary sub-regions from an Area Selection for the tool actions etc. - Litematica: Add a generic task system/scheduler for Material list, Schematic Verification, schematic placement, schematic creation etc. tasks - Litematica: Schematic Verifier stuff gets messed up if you run multiple at the same time (or don't reset the previous one before running another one) - Litematica: Add a task to read/save a schematic by listening for the required chunk positions, require one chunk extra surrounding the target chunks - Litematica: Improve the schematic browser info panel - add line wrapping, and a Description hover icon - Litematica: Add callbacks from the overlay toggle options to mark the schematic for re-render - Litematica: LayerRange dirty marking logic is wrong atm - Litematica: Add inventory comparison to Schematic Verifier (would only work in single player... without server side support) - Litematica: Implement the Schematic Manager export functionality - Litematica: Add entities to the Schematic Verifier - Litematica: Add a search function to the schematic browser - Litematica: Add a GUI to better manage the verification error ignored states - Litematica: Schematic Verifier needs refactoring/clean-up - Litematica: Allow showing also the raw materials required to craft all the required materials - Litematica: Add some kind of customizable info HUD with some info about the schematic (requested by OreoLamp, see #masa-mods-feedback 2018-10-31) - Litematica: Look into a new "Layer Mode" of "Adjacent to existing blocks" - Litematica: Add an option to only render schematic inside the selected area selection boxes - Litematica: Add a block mode (similar to the layer mode, but show only the selected block type) - allow showing the block in the player's hand - Litematica: Look into whether or not it would be feasible to prevent client blocks from being rendered with mismatches - Litematica: Add a cache for TileEntity data from the received chunk packets. Add an option to disable it (to save memory). - Litematica: Don't load disabled schematics to memory when loading the placements - load them on demand later - Litematica: Should placements be stored in separate json files too, and have their own file browser? Could load/unload placements when needed then. - Litematica: Support "slices" that can be repeated - Litematica: Add a /litematica schematic block-replace command - Litematica: Add a schematic-to-vanilla-commands generator for automatically building stuff on vanilla servers - Litematica: Add server-side placement code/support - Litematica: Add server-side schematic creation hooks (and commands?) - Litematica: Add a server-side schematic storage, and shared placements. By default only owner can change, but can be set to publicly editable. - Litematica: Add a printer MEH - Litematica: Add an option to select the LayerRange in each placement sub-region - affects the blocks placed to the schematic world - MiniMod - Floaty Block (Angel Block) - MiniMod - Constructed User (Mechanical User) DONE - MaLiLib: Add a combined view of all the keybinds registered via the library mod DONE - MaLiLib: Add config GUI buttons for selecting strict mode and/or order-sensitive mode for keybinds DONE - MaLiLib: Fix keybinds getting stuck if opening a GUI while some are active - MaLiLib: Add config GUI stuff for string lists - MaLiLib: Add config GUI stuff for adding user-defined keybinds that will be bound to mod-defined callbacks DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a toggle config for remembering the first placed rotation even without flexible placement mode DONE - Tweakeroo: Remove the requirement to hold the flexible placement keys - remember it for as long as the use button is held down DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a "reset to default" button for configs DONE - Tweakeroo: Fix the default hotkey for inventory peek DONE - Tweakeroo: Add Line and Diagonal Placement Restriction modes DONE - Tweakeroo: Add an inventory snoop feature/overlay when looking at inventory blocks (if they get synced without opening the GUI...) DONE - Tweakeroo: Make the inventory peek etc. overlay keys not cancel further processing? -> all "activation keys" should be non-strict and non-blocking DONE - Tweakeroo: Separate the fast placement modes into "Placement Restrictions" DONE - Tweakeroo: Make sure the Placement Restrictions work without Fast Placement mode too DONE - Tweakeroo: Add rate limit options to Fast Placement mode DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for "sparse placement" - allow placement in a "modulo grid" -> separate option for diagonals? DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to cycle through a given number of hotbar slots after each placed block DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to change the coordinate tab completion between ~ <-> actual coordinates DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for hiding own particle effects DONE - Tweakeroo: Always show the Inventory Preview above the cursor, so that when using Player Inventory Peek too they won't ever jump around MEH - Tweakeroo: Add a Waila type block display DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to warn about potion effects running out FIXED - Tweakeroo: Portal GUI closing broken? DONE - Tweakeroo: Add info about the scroll-while-holding-keybind-to-change-the-value to the tweaks and configs that use it FIXED - Tweakeroo: Open a GUI while having the inventory peek (on an armor stand for example) active breaks rendering? DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a Repair Mode - swaps a damaged item with a Mending enchant to hand, when a held item gets to full durability MEH - Tweakeroo: Activate stuff (tweak toggles) on key release? (would allow for overlapping partial key combos) FIXED - Tweakeroo: Opening the player inventory or esc menu while having an inventory preview (mobs?) active does weird things? DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to only allow placing against the same block that is being held in hand DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to only allow placing against the same block that was first clicked on DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for simulating holding down attack or use DONE - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to remove the fill and clone limits (configurable new max size) - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to remove the Structure Block limit (configurable new max size) - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for periodic left/right clicking - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for overriding the player's fly speed, with two presets to switch between - Tweakeroo: Add a "tool pick block" tweak for selecting the best tool. Add an option for "automatic" vs. a hotkey to do it. - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak to open chat immediately when sending "/" (CyrenArkade) - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for "breaking restriction" - Tweakeroo: Add a way to inject custom flat world presets into the menu - Tweakeroo: Render a grid visualization when holding down the toggle keybind for any placement tweaks and looking at a block - Tweakeroo: Add a hotkey to store and use the last placed block's "placement settings" - Tweakeroo: Fix the pick-before-place breaking the fast placement mode in some cases - Tweakeroo: Add a blacklist for the fast right click and fast placement items - Tweakeroo: Add an in-game config menu (for quicker access to configs) - Tweakeroo: Add a tweak for simulated keybinds (Tape Mouse) - Tweakeroo: Add a "don't fall" option that works like sneak except doesn't change the walking speed - Tweakeroo: Add an always sprint option - Tweakeroo: Add a new "adjacent offset" placement mode (4-way overlay?) - would work for bridging - Tweakeroo: Add a "valid nearby positions" overlay/renderer - Tweakeroo: Add an inventory sort tweak - Tweakeroo: Fix the fast placement inside fluids (how to even reproduce?) - Tweakeroo: Add a fix/tweak to always send the player rotation/position before each use packet, to hopefully fix server usage disagreements - Tweakeroo: Add some slot sync/transaction confirmation debug messages - Tweakeroo: Add an option to prevent all slot syncs when auto-refill is active? ALWAYS WAS THAT WAY - MiniHUD: Strip color codes from TPS data to support latest Carpet versions DONE - MiniHUD: Add a "random ticked chunks" overlay - MiniHUD: Compensate for GUI scale? - MiniHUD: Add a mob spawn range overlay - MiniHUD: Add a chunk boundaries overlay renderer - MiniHUD: Add a Beacon range overlay - MiniHUD: Add a "force loaded chunks" overlay for Hopper and Chest loaded chunks - MiniHUD: Add a Biome borders overlay - MiniHUD: Add an armor HUD - MiniHUD: Add custom formatting for the world spawn set chat message, without Forge BlockPos is obfuscated - MiniHUD: Add Sphere and box renderers? (Can add multiple objects, similar to Multishot path points) - MiniHUD: Add fully configurable info line formats DONE - JED: Fix DimensionTypeEntry not checking dim != 0 for unregister when loading from JSON DONE - JED: Add a command to load dimensions DONE - JED: Cache all the registered DimensionType values internally, because DimensionType.values() breaks at some point due to JIT DONE - JED: Add a warning message about the disable-nether option, when it has been enabled.. but where/how should that message appear? DONE - JED: Add an option to register dimensions early enough so that they get loaded on server start, and/or to load them at the end of the server start cycle DONE - JED: Add a '"normal_biomes": true' option that can be used with superflat worlds to still get normal biome generation DONE - JED: Try to improve the respawn stuff DONE - JED: Add per-biome fog option? (HasXZFog) NOPE - JED: Move as much as possible of the JED WorldProvider methods to interface default methods DONE - JED: Add structure placement on dimension creation DONE - JED: Merge the sky color fixes MEH - JED: Add a command to generate a dimensions.json entry from a given dimension - JED: Add options to only delete temporary dimensions after a given age, and whether to look at the total world time or the per-dimension time - JED: Implement per-gamemode inventories - JED: Implement per-dimension inventories - support "dimension groups". Add a "dimension_inventory_group": "name" value to the "jed" object? - JED: Sometimes, at least on a server, the client gets corrupted chunks on login or after tpj. Should the dimension info syncing and registration be changed? - JED: Check command block issue (user FB, Sponge 1.11.2) after /tpj (relog fixes it) - JED: Add a teleport_redirecting option, which intercepts the teleport/change dimension events, and has options for held_item and inside_block white-/blacklists - JED: Look into if the recent Forge dimension unload queing stuff requires some changes to the unload command? - JED: Verify if there is an event missing in the tpj command (apparently dynmap thinks the player is still in the overworld) - JED: Locks up on world load with BiomeTweaker? => At least WorldInfo overrides break the world with BiomeTweaker? - JED: Add a configurable whitelist for non-OP players to use the /tpj command? - JED: Add configurable foliage/grass/etc color zones (rectangular or circular range)? - JED: Add support for the lightmap colors added by Forge to the WorldProvider? - JED: Hook up World Utils world ID conversion to the template worlds? - JED: Change the void/sky teleport options into a teleport_zones option? - Make a "JSON Portals" mod: Configurable materials, portals colors, and to which dimension they lead to, and the scaling factor - Make a 'Marker' mod (using the Multishot point markers or similar). Some features: Point connect-to, show distance to connected points and player - Make a Forge PR to add methods to define day and night lengths via the WorldProvider NOPE - EnU: Portal cooldown stuff broken/buggy? - EnU: JSU should allow shift-clicking to any slot, not only currently visible slots - EnU: Implement Ender Bag for any inventories again - EnU: Teleporting from the End is buggy (ghost mode)? - EnU: Mob Harness infinite loop (when clicking on an entity mounted on the player?) - EnU: Write (and read as a fall-back) a vanilla-compatible block palette in the templates